
Wally West x Rachel Roth -- Stuck in Reverse

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"I'll be back! Just gimme like ten minutes. Tops!"

No time was given to Robin to protest Wally's departure; the speedster turned swiftly and gone in only a couple of seconds. Everything that was happening was all wrong. It was all his fault; none of this would have happened if he had just left well enough alone. He'd put his friends through sheer torture, and now Raven was comatose. He had to fix this, make it right somehow. Or least apologize profusely.

- - - - - - -

He knew the perfect place. There was shanty pet store not a minute's run from the Tower. He'd changed out of his tattered, bloodied Kevlar and spandex and into civvies and taken a less popular road. He was wasting no time now.

"Welcome to Pet Lobby," drawled the young woman as Wally entered the store. He ran a hand through his hair and gave his best, dashing smile. Dull brown eyes didn't even blink at him. But Wally didn't mind; he quickly decided that flirting wasn't going to do any good. "What can I help you with?"

"I'm looking for a cat for my friend, with light fur 'cause I gotta make it a rainbow." Wally explained quickly, stepping further into the store. How hard could it be to find a white cat?

"A rainbow?" The girl raised an eyebrow, hands in the pockets of her uniform's apron.

"Yeah; she wants a rainbow cat. She's not feeling well and it would mean a lot if I could—"

"You can't just paint a cat." Not at all amused, the lady shook her head.

"What do you mean you can't paint cats?" Wally objected. The lady had to kidding him. He promised Raven a rainbow cat – a full on seven colored feline. He couldn't break the promise. She'd wake up, be fine and grumpy like she always was, and he'd have a cat waiting for her. He promised. She may even call him childish and reject the cat, but he would at least show her that he would keep any promise he made.

"It's harmful to their skin." The employee of the pet store responded. Her straight, coal black hair hung over her left eye, lips stained with red tint were turned down in a prominent frown. She obviously wasn't amused, and didn't appear to enjoy working at a small pet store either. "You can get one of our other cats or you can go back to the internet where rainbow cats do exist."

"Alright, alright," Wally's light blue shirt crinkled under the folding of his arms. He promised. He needed some kind of cat for Raven. He was sure it would make her smile, which was a near impossible feat. The employee pointed in the direction of the cats and promptly turned about. Wally grumbled something his uncle wouldn't be happy to hear and headed toward the cats, hands shoved into his jeans. His anger was quickly forgotten. There were several cats that looked all too ready to be taken to a home, but only one stood out to Wally. It was like gravity's force drew his eyes and there was no looking back. The cat was lean with an elegant coat of black, light brown, and white. It's tail swished back and forth, eyes staring straight at the boy. That was when he knew this was the perfect cat for Raven. The eyes, intelligent and disinterested, were two different colors; the right a bright teal and the left a cool topaz. It yawned and turned its head away.

"You're colorful," Wally smiled, sticking his index finger into the cat's cage. After a moment, he was graced with a sniff from a small pink nose. Heterochromatic eyes showed aptitude that Wally was sure surpassed the average cat.  "You're perfect."

The purchase of the small cat didn't take long; the single employee of Pet Lobby obviously wanted her paid time alone back. Wally easily picked out a collar and tag for the cat at an electronic station next to the store's check-out. A small, woven, rainbow collar bore a silver bell and tag in the shape of a fish. In blue, bold, capital letters, the tag read, "Kitty McRainbows."

"Have a good day." Wally barely paid attention to the drawled script of a farewell as he left the store. He smiled at Kitty McRainbows, who was safe in her carrying crate with a toy mouse.

- - - - - - -

"Raven…" The room wasn't exactly the most inviting place for Wally to be back in. It was too still and quiet. The only noises that could be heard were from the machines, and the only reason he didn't mute them was because they were telling him Raven was still alive.

"It'd be great if you could open your eyes now." He made his way toward Raven, Kitty McRainbows held in his arms. He held the cat a little closer and quickly corrected himself, "Actually, wait till I'm done. I don't think I can say this if you're giving me the death glare I deserve. Hang on a second." He pulled a chair closer to Raven and sat down. Kitty McRainbows curled in his lap, content to settle down for a nap. Wally's eyes lowered to the cat, wondering if ignorance really was bliss before looking back at Raven. "So, um… I'm sorry. It was all my fault. I was the one who messed with that stupid book in the first place. I'm sorry, Raven. I didn't know…." He broke off. What could he possibly say?

"Hey. If it makes you feel any better, I got a scar outta it. Right on my back. You're pretty good with a needle though; it could've been worse." Worse being defined as death in this case. Wally sobered, the attempt at any kind of levity failed. "And… I didn't know if it was real or if I was seeing things, but I think you look better in white. I mean, for what it's worth." That was a good compliment, right? It should be okay to compliment her now. She wouldn't give him a funny look or make some retort at him. Now was the time to say whatever he wanted, but… "Man, Raven, I don't know what to say. It can't make this better."

Guilt weighed down on him so hard he felt he'd be crushed to the floor. Wally had never messed up this badly. Never had he dreamed he'd hurt his friends, or bring out their every weakness – not even Ravager. If he could turn back time, somehow reverse the damage he'd done… But he couldn't tap into the Speed Force like his uncle could, and he didn't even know if that would allow him to go backward in time. He was guilty, frustrated, dejected, and ashamed. There was absolutely no way to undo what he'd done. And he couldn't place the blame on anyone else for what had happened. It was his foolishness, his naivety, his clear lack of thought that put them all through hell and back. And it didn't matter what had happened to him. He couldn't care less of his own turmoil he had to face.

For all his genius, he could be incredibly stupid.

"I got you your cat." He cleared his throat and lifted Kitty McRainbows, who meowed in protest to her nap being disturbed. "She's not actually a rainbow though; the lady was pretty grumpy about me wanting to paint a cat. But, look, she's got a rainbow collar." He slowly lowered the cat and watched with a minute smile as she sniffed Raven's hand. "I know she doesn't change what happened, nothing can, but I promised…." His eyes shut, fighting back the swell of emotions that hit him like an unprepared for wave. "I'll take care of her till you wake up. You gotta wake up." Watery jade eyes opened again as a shaking hand stroked the cat's back. "I know you can hear me. Okay, well, science says you can't, but I wouldn't mind proving science wrong. Just this once." And maybe a thousand times over if you'd just wake up and tell me I'm the biggest idiot in the galaxy.  "C'mon. If you don't wake up, I'm gonna have to start reciting pick-up lines. I'll even let you punch me if you want to. How 'bout twice? Raincheck?"

Was he really so inclined to believe that she'd wake just for him? This wasn't a sappy chick flick. There was no magic to call upon for aide. Raven was hurt, and all the wishing and regret in the world wouldn't do her good now. He could sit here and talk nonsense until she came around but nothing would come of it, not even self-comfort.

"Okay… I'll let you rest. Come back soon. We need you."

That sounded wrong. As he stood, cradling Kitty McRainbows, he looked down at Raven.

"I need you."

And that was it. Part of the notorious flirting speedster knew that by voicing those little words he'd confirmed a feeling that had been nagging at him. He didn't know how long it had been there, where it came from, or why it was even there but it was in glaring neon lights now. He took a step back, bumped into the chair, and shook his head. His heart had actually skipped a beat, but not in the dangerous way. Did he actually…? No. No way! There was no way he could settle for just one girl. There were all the ladies in the world to enjoy and none was really better than any other. But Raven was just so… so… amazing. He couldn't think of another word. It was like he'd just created francium fluoride – the strongest chemical bond of the periodic elements – and made an explosion with it.

"Yeah…" The word awkwardly drawled out. "Sweet dreams and… stuff. I'm leaving now."

Mind racing and emotions on overload, Wally promptly made a bee-line for his own room. He needed time to sort through whatever it was that had just happened.
Story behind the story:

Once upon a time, there was a scary book. This book wasn't an ordinary book and it wasn't to be trifled with by the likes of any immature speedster. But, of course, that was just what had happened. Wally "Kid Flash" West had gotten his hands on one of Rachel "Raven" Roth's books. The book teleported them, along with Dick "Robin" Grayson and Rose "Ravager" Wilson, to a different plane where they lost a part of their memories and each of their fears was tangibly brought to life to torment them. Raven eventually was able to transport them all safely out of the book, but the use of such power rendered her comatose. Whilst in the book, Wally offered to find Raven a rainbow cat in an attempt to calm her down and lighten the horrible situation with a bit of humor. He then promised her he would get her a rainbow cat once they made it through the terror. Once out of the book, he disregards food, rest, and decompression until he finds the perfect cat for Raven.


Well, I hope you enjoyed this piece of ANNNNGST. <3 No beta as usual, so let me know if you find errors. This is purely the result of having no life and RPing way too much.

The BEAUTIFUL image you see up there was done by the supermegafoxyawesomehot RPer who writes Robin for us. LOVE HER!!
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AzabacheSilver's avatar
Interesting!  Did you know that Raven en-sorcelled Kid Flash into having a crush on her so he'd stay with the Teen Titans?…